People will always swallow some grievances, and then continue to live.
I wish I could wake up and have a happy thing. I'm so tired recently. I want to slow down.
Hear of love, ten have nine sad, know enough, love is enough.
Those who later lie on your blacklist come from colorful auspicious clouds.
Because you are too mature, too know how to hide your own emotions, so you always suffer.
You will never know how determined the person who has been pestering you suddenly calms down.
7、 不是越成熟越難愛上一個人,而是越成熟越知道那是不是愛。
It's not that the more mature you are, the harder it is to fall in love with someone, but the more mature you are, the more you know whether it's love or not.
When a person is not lonely, miss a person when only lonely.
Sometimes people will encounter a lot of people, and then mistakenly think that is love, in fact, it is just a good feeling at a certain moment, after all, heart is not as good as heart.
I hope you all know that only married love, not necessarily the age of marriage.
People will really give up when they pay all or nothing.
Later I realized that there would be two people who really like each other and miss each other, but could not be together.
A person through all the suffering, will not think about with whom.
The more you grow up, the more you understand that what you need is not a magnificent love, but a person who will not leave you.
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